My Boss Doesn’t Have Time
Can you get your manager on the phone? When you do, are they very abrupt? Is it hard to get the deep collaborative deal support you need?

I Don’t Know What Help I Need
Do you think you're doing things right, but not winning as much as you want? Do you believe there has to be a way to do things better or differently, but not know what that is?

I’m Getting Bad Advice
Is your leader giving you bad advice or the same advice that isn't working over and over? Are you lacking the perspective of a highly successful seasoned seller that can point you in a better direction?

Deal Coaching for Individuals
What does deal coaching look like for you?
We collaborate with you to adopt a comprehensive strategy for managing deals. Our offerings include a video series designed to teach cutting-edge techniques for deal execution, a practical field guide that acts as a reference for addressing gaps in your transactions, and personalized one-on-one coaching to assist you in overcoming the unique challenges that arise during your sales pursuits.
1:1 Deal Coaching
In these sessions, we will review a single deal that you have shared with me. Ideally, this deal will be shared via DealDoc to ensure we are honing in on the exact areas of difficulty. We will discuss the areas you need help on, and come up with actions you can take to resolve the problems you are seeing. These sessions are highly focused on helping you make progress on your deals.